
This section describes the recommended configuration format for use with the jscrambler API. The recommendation is to use JSON format, but essencially the API can use just dict-based structures that can be either obtained by parsing a JSON configuration file or constructed programatically.

Configuration File Format

The snippet below illustrates an example configuration file

  "filesSrc": [""],
  "filesDest": "dist/",
  "host": "", // default
  "port": 443, // default
  "apiVersion": 3, // default
  "keys": {
  "params": {
    "string_splitting": "%DEFAULT%",
    "function_reorder": "%DEFAULT%",
    "function_outlining": "%DEFAULT%",
    "dot_notation_elimination": "%DEFAULT%",
    "expiration_date": "2199-01-01",
    "rename_local": "%DEFAULT%",
    "whitespace": "%DEFAULT%",
    "literal_duplicates": "%DEFAULT%"
  "deleteProject": false // default

All entries marked with %DEFAULT% can be omitted and the client should assume those values. All entries in the “params” section are also optional. The above example only shows a subset of the existing parameters. For a complete listing of possible parameters, please check here: Optional parameters (though this knowledge shouldn’t impact anything on the client implementation).


This configuration entry is a list of paths to files that should be included in the project. By project we don’t mean all the files pertaining to the web application, but only the files that JScrambler needs to transform. Right now this is limited to *.htm(l) and *.js files. Globbing patterns are supported, for example:
  • ["lib/**/*.js"] should resolve to all JS files inside the lib folder and all the children folders
  • ["lib/**"] should resolve to all files inside the lib folder and all the children folders
  • ["lib/*.js"] should resolve to all JS files directly inside the lib folder


For a complete listing of possible parameters, see Optional parameters.

Configuration usage in the API

The configuration is used as follows in the client API:

  • In the jscrambler.Client constructor, the configuration is not read directly but all the constructor parameters (accessKey, secretKey, host, port, and apiVersion), can be taken directly from the configuration file;
  • The jscrambler.Client.process() convenience method takes a configuration file as parameter; the params section of the configuration file is used directly in the upload request, and the filesSrc and filesDest configuration options are used to find the files to upload and the directory where to download the transformed versions, respectively;
  • The filesSrc parameter is honored by the scramblestatic Django management command, see Django integration.